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Dear Community Member,

The Billings BoyChoir is an all-male vocal ensemble in the greater Billings community that started rehearsals in the fall of 2008. The unaffiliated group is comprised of young male singers ranging from 7 to 17 years in age, with the majority of the group singing in the lilting ranges of the unchanged voice. This raw talent has been gleaned from our community; boys who enjoy singing and who wish to perform bring the beauty, celebration and joy of music to others. Directed by Mr. K. Stuart Smith, the group has already offered their first public concerts and has performed at several area businesses.

The Billings BoyChoir is dedicated to raising young mens' voices to the highest standards of musical excellence through the use of traditional boychoir literature, both secular and with religious content in the boychoir tradition, as well incorporating a few more contemporary arrangements. They perform a cappella or with accompaniment, and occasionally with a variety of percussion instruments to accentuate the style of the composition. The choral experience is designed not only to develop musical abilities of the singers, but also to strengthen each boy's confidence while building leadership skills that will serve these young men throughout their lives. Recruitment tryouts are held twice yearly, at present, as the group grows.

There is no cost to join and public performances are free to the community; each chorister (and his parents) is expected to participate in necessary but infrequent fund-raising activities in order to help the ensemble acquire music, wardrobe, and to cover performance venue costs.

Donations to our non-profit organization are greatly appreciated. Contributors are always welcome to attend performances, and should you desire a performance for one of your own events, the Billings BoyChoir will be happy to perform as scheduling allows. To make a contribution or to arrange a performance, please visit www.theboychoir.org. Thank you in advance for your support.

The Choristers and Staff of the Billings BoyChoir
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