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Nick—A member of the Billings BoyChoir

Who is a Chorister?

Perhaps one should first answer the question, "What is a chorister?" A chorister is a member of a choir, often used to refer to a member of a boychoir.

If you have a clear, unchanged voice and you will be at least eight years old in September, if you love to sing and would like to perform with other boys and young men who are reaching for musical heights, and if you can make a committment fo study and learn wonderful music, both old and new, then you have what it takes to be a chorister in the Billings BoyChoir. You don't need to read music (we will teach you) and you don't need a "trained" voice or previous experience with an ensemble.

Or, if your voice has changed and you would like to belong to a performing ensemble where your new voice adds a solid foundation to the unique character of a boychoir, and in which your musical experience and leadership will encourage the talents of younger choristers and help shape the sound of a unique ensemble, you should consider joining the Billings BoyChoir.

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