The BoycoT BBS

Billings, Montana


The BoycoT BBS runs on an Apple IIgs hooked up to a Windows box via custom DB9<->Din8 Null-Modem Cable.  I wrote a program in Visual Basic on the Windows box that would connect the telnet port coming in from the internet to the COM port that the GS is hooked up to.  This allows users to log into the BBS on the Apple IIgs from anywhere in the world via the internet. I say Apple IIgs because I have not yet tested it on a IIe with a SSC installed, but I plan on doing that soon, I just need to make a DB25<->DB9 null-modem cable.

My next project, after the BBS Gateway project is completed, is to do a similar project that will allow you to telnet out to the internet (to an Apple II BBS or any other telnet site) using Proterm or any other terminal program on the Apple II.  Of course, the same principle applies, that the Apple II in question be connected to a "gateway" pc via null-modem cable.


Apple IIgs Configuration

Windows Box Configuration


My email:

Click here to Log on to The BoycoT BBS

BoycoT BBS Download Section

Check out my BBS Gateway (Work in Progress)


Pictures follow: this could take a while to load...

The title screen for METAL

The infamous "null-modem" cable.  As you can see, I haven't got it soldered together yet.  The wires are just twisted together and hangin out.

A close-up of the CFFA IDE Controller card, with the Laptop hard drive attached.

Another picture of the CFFA/Hard Drive.  You already know that's a ZipGS card in slot 3.

Quite a messy desk, don't you think?

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