; Program Stuff ; The name of your BBS BBSName=The BoycoT BBS ; These should be pretty self-explanatory ; If you do not want to accept incoming calls, set TcpListen=False. Otherwise, set to True. TcpListen=False TcpPort=9999 SerPort=1 SerBaud=19200 SerDataBits=8 ; SerParity: None, Even, Odd, Mark, Space SerParity=None ; SerStopBits: 1, 1.5, 2 SerStopBits=1 ; Handshake: None, RTS, XonXoff, RTS/XonXoff Handshake=XonXoff ; Buffer Sizes: RcvBuff=In from TCP/Out to Serial, XmtBuf=Opposite RcvBuf=4096 XmtBuf=4096 ; Throttle: Delay, in milliseconds, you need between each character ; sent out the serial port to your terminal. Start with a ; value of 0 and test to make sure you are not losing ; characters. If you are, then increment the value and ; test again until you stop losing characters. Throttle=0 ; LineSize: This only comes into effect if a session is established ; with a server that uses the Telnet protocol. This tells ; the server the character width of your terminal screen. LineSize=80 ; Keeps a log file of what is displayed in the program window. KeepLog=True ; Display modem commands sent from terminal ShowModemCommands=True ; Display Result codes sent back to terminal ShowResultCodes=True ; Terminal section LineLength=80 ContIndent=4 ; IRC Section (Added 1-6-2007) should be obvious what these are for. ; The following line is a delimited list of TCP port numbers that will cause InternetModem to enter IRC Mode. IrcPorts=6667,6668,6669 IrcBlockPrivMsgs=False IrcUid= IrcNick= IrcPwd= IrcShowTimeStamp=True ; The following will be sent in response to a CTCP/USERINFO query. IrcUserInfo="I'm using an Apple IIgs hooked to the internet using Proterm 3.0 and Internet Modem for Windows! Get it at http://boycot.no-ip.com/software" ; If a RoomName is specified, it will be automatically joined when connected to an IRC server. IrcRoomName= ; The following, if true, shows the incoming & outgoing Raw IRC messages in the program window, it's not sent to the terminal. IrcShowRawInIrc=False IrcShowRawOutIrc=False