Printing colored text to the console


Module Module1


    Private Declare Auto Function SetConsoleTextAttribute Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal ConsoleOutput As IntPtr, ByVal Attributes As Integer) As Boolean

    Private Declare Auto Function GetStdHandle Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal Device As Integer) As Integer


    Const GREY As Integer = &H7

    Const WHITE As Integer = &HF

    Const GREEN As Integer = &HA

    Const RED As Integer = &HC

    Const YELLOW As Integer = &HE


    Sub Main()

        Print(YELLOW, "This is Yellow")

        Print(WHITE, "This is White")

        Print(GREEN, "This is Green")

        Print(RED, "This is Red")

        Print(GREY, "Press a key to exit...")


    End Sub


    Private Sub Print(ByVal intColor As Integer, ByVal Text As String)

        Const STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE As Integer = -11

        SetConsoleTextAttribute(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), intColor)


    End Sub


End Module

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